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Google Workspace Tenant Migration Assessment

Ensure a smooth migration by assessing your Google Workspace tenant environment for visibility into the size and complexity of objects including mailboxes, Google drives, Shared Drives, Google Vault, Google Groups, domains, organizational units, and more.

Assessing the environment is crucial to migration success

When your organization is preparing for a migration, knowing your Google Workspace environment's size and complexity is essential to knowing what to migrate and in what order. Instead of manually pulling data by each workload, an assessment will provide you with a dashboard to see a high-level overview of the source environment, as well as a detailed breakdown by workload.

Optimize your migration with valuable insight and identify potential blind spots, including workloads with large amounts of data that could cause slower data speeds.

Generate a comprehensive report with the following information:

  1. User and resource mailboxes (including suspended mailboxes)

  2. Google drive including drives associated with suspended accounts

  3. Google shared drives

  4. Google groups (collaborative and non-collaborative)

  5. Tenant Domains

  6. Organizational units

  7. Admin users

  8. Holds placed in Google Vault

  9. User, non-user, archive, on-hold, and inactive mailboxes

Developer Insights
Pablo Galan Sabugo Pablo Galán Sabugo

“I converted my PowerShell scripts into a Voleer template to make it easier for our customers to access and execute. With one click, they can generate a detailed report without working through the complexities of understanding and maintaining PowerShell scripts.”

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Properly scope your migration

Estimate the size of the workloads and the number of licenses required to migrate.

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Save time during the discovery

Review breakdown of individual user mailboxes and Google Drives.

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Identify data caps

Discover mailboxes larger than 50G to understand if you’re close to Google’s data storage limits.

 Assessments & solutions from the migration experts



Assess your environment’s size and complexity, and review estimations around licensing costs for your migration.



Leverage the industry leader in cloud migration for your Google Workspace tenant migration project.



Optimization is an ongoing task. Run assessments periodically to control costs, govern data, track usage, and more.

With MigrationWiz and Voleer, BitTitan offers an end-to-end migration solution. Browse the library of migration assessments, or explore our most popular tools to help you optimize your environment.